Monday, August 9, 2010

2010 Update

In December 2009, I started a project with Cloud Peak Energy, the Powder River Basin coal mining spin off of global mining giant, Rio Tinto. The Gillette, Wyoming based company was not an easy commute from Southern Utah. After 5-6 hours of flying puddle jumpers and waiting in airports, time for working out was severly limited on Mondays and Fridays. During the week however, running tread mills at the hotel was about the only option when temperatures dipped as low as -27°F (-33°C). In April, 2 things helped jump start workouts: 1) a new consultant, Scott DeLong, joined the team. He had triathlon aspirations and inspired me to up the intensity. 2) Gillette opened a new state-of-the-art recreational center.

The new Campbell County Recreation Center after a May snow storm

For a couple of months, I was able to swim, ride stationary bike, and run track a few times a week. Those occassional workouts did not offset the 6 months of high calorie food and inconsistent exercise, but it felt good to once again have the dull muscle ache that come from a challenging run or set.

When the project ended in June, I decided it was time to obtain some much needed stability for me and my family. I joined an up-and-coming consulting firm, Slalom Consulting in June and returned to Orange County, CA.

I am looking forward to re-joining the fantastic swimming and triathlon community here in Orange County and getting back on track physically. The consultant diet and lack of exercise time means that I have a few pounds to lose. The next several months could be a commercial for a weight loss product. My weight loss plan: exercise and sensible diet. It has been scientifically proven that eating fewer calories than you burn causes you to lose weight. :) With a little weight training, I expect to build some muscle mass too.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Workouts in Gilette, Wyoming

I started a project in Gillette, Wyoming in early December. The sub-zero temperatures and long travel hours made finding time for training difficult. Spending a couple of days a week doing miles on the treadmill was the extent of training until April, when the new Campbell County Recreation Center opened. This state of the art facility has been great. It has a beautiful lap pool, stationary bikes, treadmills, free weights and machines as well as an indoor track.

Over the past few weeks, a couple of miles of swimming in the morning and several miles of running have allowed me to get back on a training program. Alas, it is a little too late to be confident in my ability to complete the St. George Ironman on May 1st. :(